Our Governors

St Mary's Governors

The remit for the Governing Body is to:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  • Oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Governing Body Composition:

Type of Governor No.
Community 2
Headteacher 1
Local Authority 1
Parent 3
Staff 1
Foundation 2

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Names of Governors Type of Governor Term of Office Date of Appointment/Term End date/Date of resignation (if resigned in the last 12 months) Appointing Body
Mrs Catherine Cloake (Chair) Foundation 4 years 20/03/22 19/03/26 The Governing Body
Mr C Sweeney (Vice Chair) Local Authority 4 years 19/07/23 18/07/27 Nominated by Council and appointed by the Governing Body
Mrs G Talbot Headteacher N/A 03/09/07 02/09/50 N/A
Mrs R Hydes Staff 4 years 08/03/21 09/03/25 Elected by staff
Mrs C Heaton Community 4 years 28/09/21 27/09/25 The Governing Body
Mr R Ekakitie Parent 4 years 14/06/21 13/06/25 Elected by Parents
Rev. Dot Gosling Foundation 4 years 31/10/23 30/10/27  
Mrs J Clayworth Parent 4 years 17/05/24 16/05/28 Elected by parents

Specific Responsibilities/Governor Roles:

Responsibility Name
Chair Mrs Catherine Cloake
Vice Chair Mr C Sweeney
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Governor Mrs C Heaton
Safeguarding/Child Protection Governor Mr C Sweeney
Health, Safety & Facilities Governor Mr R Ekakitie
Pupil Premium Governor Mrs Catherine Cloake
Curriculum Governor Mrs Catherine Cloake
Link Governor Mr C Sweeney
Pastoral Governor Mrs C Heaton
Attendance Governor Mrs C Heaton

Terms of reference for all committees are available on request from school.

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Finance and Premises Committee Staffing, Curriculum and Assessment Committee Pay Committee
Remit: To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding Finance, Health and Safety and Premises Remit: To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding Standards in school and the curriculum and Personnel Remit: To make decisions about performance related pay for teachers and the headteacher
Membership Membership Membership
Mrs G Talbot Mrs C Heaton (Chair) Mr C Sweeney (Chair)
Mrs R Hydes Mrs G Talbot Mrs G Talbot
Mr C Sweeney (Chair) Mrs R Hydes Mrs C Cloake
Mr R Ekakitie Mrs C Cloake
Rev. Dot Gosling

Ad-hoc Committees

Staff Disciplinary, Pupil Discipline, Complaints, Appeals

Three governors with no prior knowledge will be called alphabetically to form the committee.

Name Finance, Premises Staffing, Curriculum, Assessment Pay Staff, Pupil, Discipline*, Appeals*
Mr C Sweeney (Vice Chair) Member Member Member
Mrs G Talbot Member Member Member Member
Mrs R Hydes Member Member
Mrs Catherine Cloake (Chair) Member Member Member
Mrs Claire Heaton Member
Rev. Dot Gosling Member
Mr Randy Ekakitie Member
Mrs Sharon Edwards Clerk Clerk Clerk


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Name 27.09.22 06.12.22 14.03.23 27.06.23 12.09.23 05.12.23 12.03.24 25.06.24
Mrs G Talbot Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mrs R Hydes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mr C Sweeney Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Mrs C Cloake Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rev D Gosling           No Yes Yes
Mrs C Heaton Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Mr R Ekakitie No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes
Mrs J Clayworth               Yes

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Name 06.12.22 14.03.23 27.06.23 05.12.23 12.03.24 25.06.24
Mrs G Talbot Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mrs R Hydes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mrs C Cloake Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rev D Gosling       No Yes Yes
Mrs C Heaton Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes

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Name 06.12.22 14.03.23 25.04.23 27.06.23 05.12.23 12.03.24 23.04.24 25.06.24
Mrs G Talbot Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mrs R Hydes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Mr C Sweeney No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Mr R Ekakitie Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Mrs J Clayworth               Yes

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Name 19.10.22 18.10.23 TBC
Mr C Sweeney No No
Mrs G Talbot Yes Yes
Mrs C Cloake Yes Yes
Mrs C Heaton Yes No

Name Details of Pecuniary Interest Details of personal interest
Mrs G Talbot Nil Nil
Mrs R Hydes Nil Nil
Mr C Sweeney (Vice Chair) Nil Nil
Mrs Catherine Cloake (Chair) Nil Nil
Mrs Claire Heaton Nil Nil
Rev. Dot Gosling Nil Nil
Mr Randy Ekakitie Nil Nil

Cllr Carl Sweeney is also on the Governing Body of another local school.